package Net::OpenID::Yadis; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT); $VERSION = "0.05"; use base qw(Exporter); use Carp (); use Net::OpenID::URIFetch; use XML::Simple; use Net::OpenID::Yadis::Service; @EXPORT = qw(YR_HEAD YR_GET YR_XRDS); use constant { YR_GET => 1, YR_XRDS => 2, }; use fields ( 'last_errcode', # last error code we got 'last_errtext', # last error code we got 'debug', # debug flag or codeblock 'consumer', # consumer object 'identity_url', # URL to be identified 'xrd_url', # URL of XRD file 'xrd_objects', # Yadis XRD decoded objects ); sub new { my $self = shift; $self = fields::new( $self ) unless ref $self; my %opts = @_; $self->consumer(delete($opts{consumer})); $self->{debug} = delete $opts{debug}; Carp::croak("Unknown options: " . join(", ", keys %opts)) if %opts; return $self; } sub consumer { &_getset; } sub identity_url { &_getset; } sub xrd_url { &_getset; } sub xrd_objects { _pack_array(&_getset); } sub _getset { my $self = shift; my $param = (caller(1))[3]; $param =~ s/.+:://; if (@_) { my $val = shift; Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_; $self->{$param} = $val; } return $self->{$param}; } sub _debug { my $self = shift; return unless $self->{debug}; if (ref $self->{debug} eq "CODE") { $self->{debug}->($_[0]); } else { print STDERR "[DEBUG Net::OpenID::Yadis] $_[0]\n"; } } sub _fail { my $self = shift; my ($code, $text) = @_; $text ||= { 'xrd_parse_error' => "Error occured since parsing yadis document.", 'xrd_format_error' => "This is not yadis document (not xrds format).", 'too_many_hops' => 'Too many hops by X-XRDS-Location.', 'empty_url' => 'Empty URL', 'no_yadis_document' => 'Cannot find yadis Document', 'url_gone' => 'URL is no longer available', }->{$code}; $self->{last_errcode} = $code; $self->{last_errtext} = $text; $self->_debug("fail($code) $text"); wantarray ? () : undef; } sub err { my $self = shift; $self->{last_errcode} . ": " . $self->{last_errtext}; } sub errcode { my $self = shift; $self->{last_errcode}; } sub errtext { my $self = shift; $self->{last_errtext}; } sub _clear_err { my $self = shift; $self->{last_errtext} = ''; $self->{last_errcode} = ''; } sub _get_contents { my $self = shift; my ($url, $final_url_ref, $content_ref, $headers_ref) = @_; my $alter_hook = sub { my $htmlref = shift; $$htmlref =~ s/
fetch($url, $self->consumer, $alter_hook); if ($res) { $$final_url_ref = $res->final_uri; my $headers = $res->headers; foreach my $k (keys %$headers) { $headers_ref->{$k} ||= $headers->{$k}; } $$content_ref = $res->content; return 1; } else { return undef; } } sub discover { my $self = shift; my $url = shift or return $self->_fail("empty_url"); my $count = shift || YR_GET; Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_; # trim whitespace $url =~ s/^\s+//; $url =~ s/\s+$//; return $self->_fail("empty_url") unless $url; my $final_url; my %headers; my $xrd; $self->_get_contents($url, \$final_url, \$xrd, \%headers) or return; $self->identity_url($final_url) if ($count < YR_XRDS); my $doc_url; if (($doc_url = $headers{'x-yadis-location'} || $headers{'x-xrds-location'}) && ($count < YR_XRDS)) { return $self->discover($doc_url, YR_XRDS); } elsif ( (split /;\s*/, $headers{'content-type'})[0] eq 'application/xrds+xml') { $self->xrd_url($final_url); return $self->parse_xrd($xrd); } else { return $self->_fail($count == YR_GET ? "no_yadis_document" : "too_many_hops"); } } sub parse_xrd { my $self = shift; my $xrd = shift; Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_; my $xs_hash = XMLin($xrd) or return $self->_fail("xrd_parse_error"); ($xs_hash->{'xmlns'} and $xs_hash->{'xmlns'} eq 'xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)') or $self->_fail("xrd_format_error"); my %xmlns; foreach (map { /^(xmlns:(.+))$/ and [$1,$2] } keys %$xs_hash) { next unless ($_); $xmlns{$_->[1]} = $xs_hash->{$_->[0]}; } my @priority; my @nopriority; foreach my $service (_pack_array($xs_hash->{'XRD'}{'Service'})) { bless $service, "Net::OpenID::Yadis::Service"; $service->{'Type'} or next; $service->{'URI'} ||= $self->identity_url; foreach my $sname (keys %$service) { foreach my $ns (keys %xmlns) { $service->{"{$xmlns{$ns}}$1"} = delete $service->{$sname} if ($sname =~ /^${ns}:(.+)$/); } } defined($service->{'priority'}) ? push(@priority,$service) : push(@nopriority,$service); # Services without priority fields are lowest priority } my @service = sort {$a->{'priority'} <=> $b->{'priority'}} @priority; push (@service,@nopriority); foreach (grep {/^_protocol/} keys %$self) { delete $self->{$_} } $self->xrd_objects(\@service); } sub _pack_array { wantarray ? ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_[0]} : ($_[0]) : $_[0] } sub services { my $self = shift; my %protocols; my @protocols; my $code_ref; my $protocol = undef; Carp::croak("You haven't called the discover method yet") unless $self->xrd_objects; foreach my $option (@_) { Carp::croak("No further arguments allowed after code reference argument") if $code_ref; my $ref = ref($option); if ($ref eq 'CODE') { $code_ref = $option; } else { my $default = {versionarray => []}; $protocols{$option} = $default; $protocol = $option; push @protocols, $option; } } my @servers; @servers = $self->xrd_objects if (keys %protocols == 0); foreach my $key (@protocols) { my $regex = $protocols{$key}->{urlregex} || $key; my @ver = @{$protocols{$key}->{versionarray}}; my $ver_regex = @ver ? '('.join('|',map { $_ =~ s/\./\\./g; $_ } @ver).')' : '.+' ; $regex =~ s/\\ver/$ver_regex/; push (@servers,map { $protocols{$key}->{objectclass} ? bless($_ , $protocols{$key}->{objectclass}) : $_ } grep {join(",",$_->Type) =~ /$regex/} $self->xrd_objects); } @servers = $code_ref->(@servers) if ($code_ref); wantarray ? @servers : \@servers; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Net::OpenID::Yadis - Perform Yadis discovery on URLs =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::OpenID::Yadis; my $disc = Net::OpenID::Yadis->new( consumer => $consumer, # Net::OpenID::Consumer object ); my $xrd = $disc->discover("") or Carp::croak($disc->err); print $disc->identity_url; # Yadis URL (Final URL if redirected) print $disc->xrd_url; # Yadis Resourse Descriptor URL foreach my $srv (@$xrd) { # Loop for Each Service in Yadis Resourse Descriptor print $srv->priority; # Service priority (sorted) print $srv->Type; # Identifier of some version of some service (scalar, array or array ref) print $srv->URI; # URI that resolves to a resource providing the service (scalar, array or array ref) print $srv->extra_field("Delegate",""); # Extra field of some service } # If you are interested only in OpenID. (either 1.1 or 2.0) my $xrd = $self->services( '', '', '', ); # If you want to choose random server by code-ref. my $xrd = $self->services(sub{($_[int(rand(@_))])}); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides an implementation of the Yadis protocol, which does XRDS-based service discovery on URLs. This module was originally developed by OHTSUKA Ko-hei as L