package Lucene::QueryParser; use 5.00503; use strict; use Carp; require Exporter; use Text::Balanced qw(extract_bracketed extract_delimited); use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( parse_query deparse_query ); @EXPORT = qw( parse_query deparse_query ); $VERSION = '1.04'; sub parse_query { local $_ = shift; my @rv; while ($_) { s/^\s+// and next; my $item; s/^(AND|OR|\|\|)\s+//; if ($1) { $item->{conj} = $1; } if (s/^\+//) { $item->{type} = "REQUIRED"; } elsif (s/^(-|!|NOT)\s*//i){ $item->{type} = "PROHIBITED"; } else { $item->{type} = "NORMAL"; } if (s/^([^\s(":]+)://) { $item->{field} = $1 } # Subquery if (/^\(/) { my ($extracted, $remainer) = extract_bracketed($_,"("); if (!$extracted) { croak "Unbalanced subquery" } $_ = $remainer; $extracted =~ s/^\(//; $extracted =~ s/\)$//; $item->{query} = "SUBQUERY"; $item->{subquery} = parse_query($extracted); } elsif (/^"/) { my ($extracted, $remainer) = extract_delimited($_, '"'); if (!$extracted) { croak "Unbalanced phrase" } $_ = $remainer; $extracted =~ s/^"//; $extracted =~ s/"$//; $item->{query} = "PHRASE"; $item->{term} = $extracted; } elsif (s/^(\S+)\*//) { $item->{query} = "PREFIX"; $item->{term} = $1; } else { s/([^\s\^]+)// or croak "Malformed query"; $item->{query} = "TERM"; $item->{term} = $1; } if (s/^\^(\d+(?:.\d+)?)//) { $item->{boost} = $1 } push @rv, bless $item, "Lucene::QueryParser::".ucfirst lc $item->{query}; } return bless \@rv, "Lucene::QueryParser::TopLevel"; } sub deparse_query { my $ds = shift; my @out; for my $elem (@$ds) { my $thing = ""; if ($elem->{conj}) { $thing .= "$elem->{conj} "; } if ($elem->{type} eq "REQUIRED") { $thing .= "+"; } elsif ($elem->{type} eq "PROHIBITED") { $thing .= "-"; } if (exists $elem->{field}) { $thing .= $elem->{field}.":" } if ($elem->{query} eq "TERM") { $thing .= $elem->{term}; } elsif ($elem->{query} eq "SUBQUERY") { $thing .= "(".deparse_query($elem->{subquery}).")"; } elsif ($elem->{query} eq "PHRASE") { $thing .= '"'.$elem->{term}.'"'; } if (exists $elem->{boost}) { $thing .= "^".$elem->{boost} } push @out, $thing; } return join " ", @out; } package Lucene::QueryParser::TopLevel; sub to_plucene { my ($self, $field) = @_; Carp::croak("You need to specify a default field for your query") unless $field; return $self->[0]->to_plucene($field) if @$self ==1 and $self->[0]->{type} eq "NORMAL"; my @clauses; $self->add_clause(\@clauses, $_, $field) for @$self; require Plucene::Search::BooleanQuery; my $query = new Plucene::Search::BooleanQuery; $query->add_clause($_) for @clauses; $query; } sub add_clause { my ($self, $clauses, $term, $field) = @_; my $q = $term->to_plucene($field); if (exists $term->{conj} and $term->{conj} eq "AND" and @$clauses) { # The previous term needs to become required $clauses->[-1]->required(1) unless $clauses->[-1]->prohibited; } return unless $q; # Shouldn't happen yet my $prohibited = $term->{type} eq "PROHIBITED"; my $required = $term->{type} eq "REQUIRED"; $required = 1 if exists $term->{conj} and $term->{conj} eq "AND" and !$prohibited; require Plucene::Search::BooleanClause; push @$clauses, Plucene::Search::BooleanClause->new({ prohibited => $prohibited, required => $required, query => $q }); } # Oh, I really like abstraction package Lucene::QueryParser::Term; sub to_plucene { require Plucene::Search::TermQuery; require Plucene::Index::Term; my ($self, $field) = @_; $self->{pl_term} = Plucene::Index::Term->new({ field => (exists $self->{field} ? $self->{field} : $field), text => $self->{term} }); my $q = Plucene::Search::TermQuery->new({ term => $self->{pl_term} }); $self->set_boost($q); return $q; } sub set_boost { my ($self, $q) = @_; $q->boost($self->{boost}) if exists $self->{boost}; } package Lucene::QueryParser::Phrase; our @ISA = qw(Lucene::QueryParser::Term); # This corresponds to the rules for "PHRASE" in the Plucene grammar sub to_plucene { require Plucene::Search::PhraseQuery; require Plucene::Index::Term; my ($self, $field) = @_; my @words = split /\s+/, $self->{term}; return $self->SUPER::to_plucene($field) if @words == 1; my $phrase = Plucene::Search::PhraseQuery->new; for my $word (@words) { my $term = Plucene::Index::Term->new({ field => (exists $self->{field} ? $self->{field} : $field), text => $word }); $phrase->add($term); } if (exists $self->{slop}) { # Future extension $phrase->slop($self->{slop}); } $self->set_boost($phrase); return $phrase; } package Lucene::QueryParser::Subquery; sub to_plucene { my ($self, $field) = @_; $self->{subquery}->to_plucene( exists $self->{field} ? $self->{field} : $field ) } 1; __END__ # Below is stub documentation for your module. You'd better edit it! =head1 NAME Lucene::QueryParser - Turn a Lucene query into a Perl data structure =head1 SYNOPSIS use Lucene::QueryParser; my $structure = parse_query("red and yellow and -(coat:pink and green)"); C<$structure> will be: [ { query => 'TERM', type => 'NORMAL', term => 'red' }, { query => 'TERM', type => 'NORMAL', term => 'yellow' }, { subquery => [ { query => 'TERM', type => 'NORMAL', term => 'pink', field => 'coat' }, { query => 'TERM', type => 'NORMAL', term => 'green' } ], query => 'SUBQUERY', type => 'PROHIBITED' } ] =head1 DESCRIPTION This module parses a Lucene query, as defined by It deals with fields, types, phrases, subqueries, and so on; everything handled by the C class in Lucene. The data structure is similar to the one given above, and is pretty self-explanatory. The other function, C turns such a data structure back into a Lucene query string. This is useful if you've just been mucking about with the data. =head2 PLUCENE Note for people using Plucene: the big arrayref and the hashes in the output of C are actually objects. They're not C objects, because then everyone who wanted to do search queries would have to pull in Plucene, which is a bit unfair. However, they can be turned into Cs by calling C on them. The argument to C should be the default field to search if none is supplied. =head2 EXPORT Exports the C and C functions. =head1 AUTHOR Simon Cozens, Esimon@kasei.comE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2003 by Kasei This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut