# $Id: mysql.pm 539 2008-11-21 21:23:12Z swistow $ package Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::DBD::mysql; use strict; use warnings; use base qw( Data::ObjectDriver::Driver::DBD ); use Carp qw( croak ); use Data::ObjectDriver::Errors; use constant ERROR_MAP => { 1062 => Data::ObjectDriver::Errors->UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT, }; sub fetch_id { $_[3]->{mysql_insertid} || $_[3]->{insertid} } sub map_error_code { my $dbd = shift; my($code, $msg) = @_; return if !defined $code; return ERROR_MAP->{$code}; } sub sql_for_unixtime { return "UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"; } # yes, MySQL supports LIMIT on a DELETE sub can_delete_with_limit { 1 } # yes, MySQL makes every search case insensitive sub is_case_insensitive { 1 }; # yes, MySQL invented(?) REPLACE INTO extension sub can_replace { 1 } sub bulk_insert { my $dbd = shift; my $dbh = shift; my $table = shift; my $cols = shift; my $rows_ref = shift; croak "Usage bulk_insert(dbd, dbh, table, columnref, rowsref)" unless (defined $dbd && defined $dbh && defined $table && defined $cols && defined $rows_ref); return 0e0 if (scalar(@{$rows_ref}) == 0); my $sql = "INSERT INTO $table(" . join(',', @{$cols}) . ") VALUES\n"; my $statement_length = length($sql); foreach my $row (@{$rows_ref}) { my $line = join(',', map { defined($_) ? $dbh->quote($_) : 'NULL'} @{$row}); $statement_length += length($line); $sql .= $line . "\n"; } # For now just write all data, at some point we need to lookup the # maximum packet size for SQL return $dbh->do($sql); } 1;